You’re a GENIUS woman, you hold so much in life - your family, your biz, your pets, your team or maybe your community. 😻
Growth and care for others are your top values and you spark your environment.🔥
You might be trying to discipline yourself to self-care, go to yoga or gym regularly, to journal, or to meditate or do your feminine embodiment practice more often.
Yet you end up exhausted and all the feminine embodiment growth related ‘to dos’ take a toll on you.
I’ve been there (and sometimes still am).
I feel you!
This is the catch (that was life-changing for me):
Sometimes our desire for softening and change is fuelled by latent fears and ingrained beliefs that we have to be more sensual, more experienced, more outspoken, more seductive, more skilled, more charming more more more, you get the idea, so we can be chosen, deeply loved and offered what we want as feminine beings.
When those beliefs fuel our choices, we put on masks and perform according to them or we just hide and collapse in "I'll never be xyz" or “I can’t do it”
This is not only draining and life energy consuming, it keeps us stuck in unfulfilling jobs and relationships overall, because we think we have to be more xyz so that we get what we long for.
But most important - it keeps us farther away from the softness we want to cultivate, and it also holds us back from taking steps towards our dream life! Because there is a block in being in full APPROVAL with who we are in the first place, and from there, CONSCIOUSLY evolve in all the areas we think we want to grow.
Shortly: where you believe you have to be more/different than you are right now so that you get where/what you want - there is an internalised form of PERFECTION registered in your mind-body system.
In this FREE masterclass, we will go on a somatic exploration of your own (under) performing ‘mask’ and liberate it in your body, so that you give yourself full permission to get what you want by being exactly who you are are right now.